
Inspired By A Word

We started out, me and you, like 2 seeds in a hole,

But somewhere in that mystical field, on that tiny patch, in that yellow bowl.
We were covered in dirt, compost and stones

But we were all snug in our tiny little home.
The rain got a bit rough and we went back to our roots

And true colours came out, and we were shaking in our boots,
Not in our stems although we were growing.
That compost really worked and it was surely showing.
We finally broke free from under the earth

And we saw each other for what we are worth.
Our stems intertwined and we grew leaves

And no one could steal this, not even thieves
As there are so many, jealousy, lust,

But we kept our compost because love is a must.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The word used is "compost".

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