There is a beautiful exit to this city
Where it goes
i do not know
It grasps for concerts of such importance
Things we shall never see
Things we starve for
with a desperate tongue
A million lamentable things
from when we were young
and foolish
Pieces of flesh
that once represented our world
And pieces of irreplaceable love
You think you know things
Until the world becomes this inescapable beast
That’s when you learn
there’s nothing beyond
that ugly beast.
You yearn from birth and feel
there is nothing beyond yearning,
But you learn from your stupid struggles
and mistakes of learning.
We like
to sing
upon these
As if
They are
More than illusions,
A fickle fallacy,
Your worst fantasy
Of childhood’s end.
In time you’ll know,
Just what the offer is
That what this clouded
Coffer of existence was.
You’ll forget all of the drugs,
The parties, the pain,
The woes and such.
Regardless of how everything
May have sucked,
In the end you’ll remember
All that mattered was love.