Tommy's Treasure

I remember being young

Tommy Jones and his first bicycle

Not the best, but she was his

So many bikes, so many styles

But oh so special

He knew every part of her

On rocky roads, he held her tight

Long afternoons and into the night

She had her flaws, but never failed

He’d show her off and let her shine

Envy of all around

They were a team, together strong

Then one day, someone asked to ride

Don’t scratch her, don’t go far

His beautiful bicycle was free

A simple ride, strange but fun

A longer ride, looking around for Tommy

When are we turning back?

Where is my Tommy?

Why did he go?

Why won’t he come for me?

Undamaged, but abandoned

How could my Tommy be so careless?

I want to go home.  There’s no place like home

A kindhearted boy

Found me wanting

Will you help me home?

What a rare find, an exquisite treasure

I wish you were mine

But will deliver you safe

Gently lifting her upward

Walking her slowly

Side by side, back to Tommy

Thank you kind boy

Perhaps we could ride

Oh no, you are Tommy’s girl

But if you ever leave his side

Then we could ride

A sunset beckons us to follow

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