Gentle Mr. Grigoris


chemical birds lay in perfect death warm and rusting
locked in silent deep
watching the blue world drip sorry red
promised and torn
child eyes, limp dirty sex god
blonde babies born in german tongues
beautiful bathtub of ice
sworn skin born in dark liquid and swallowed like truth
carbon sun sings sick
monoxide moon swims in choking seconds
stars and sunken eyes cut
house of secrets
house of young death filling tired lungs
house of cards
house of cigarette grins
warped floorboards hidden in summer
house of screaming, house of seasons
house of souls, servants in blood
laughter sings darkness sings ruined reason
laughter sings nightmare sleep
house of "just once more"
house of surrender under white knuckles
breathe of morning and "please let me die"
from the inside we all burn
house of fire and satellites
and i promise you.

then night floods the sky

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