4 years of BS

‎4 years of my life, I wish I never met you,

4 years of my life now I can no longer respect you!

4 years of loyalty, only dishing out what you gave me.

4 years of going forward with my life, without you!

Now I feel as though all 4 years were full of lies

4 years of my life I continue to cry

inside i'm torn apart, you insisted that we'd be friends

insisting that she was only a friend

reassuring me that you didn't want a relationship,

that you didn't see yourself being with her

but all of this was just leading up to the 4 years of disloyalty

i've never been perfect, never will be, but I can always say

I gave you my honesty!

you can say whatever to justify what you did,

but as long as you understand, though we had 4 years,

you'll never get the pleasure of being a friend of me

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