My angels

My angels,

I was out with friends one day,

Not long ago,

It was a normal day for me,


I was going across the street one day,

Out of nowhere comes a green van my way,

I looked at the van and yelled stop stop but it kept coming my way,

I looked at my friends and said I love you I will be ok,

I tried to get out of the way,

It was to late the green van was coming my way,

I sat back into my wheelchair and said to myself there’s angels with you and things will be ok,

The green van hit me that day,

The green van hit my legs that day,

My shoes flew off that day,

The green van did not stop to see if I was ok,

I ended up in the ER that day,

I could have died that day,

It was a scary day,

But my angels were with me that day,

And I am here today!


Misty Yanish

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