
I must say, posting those last two proses got me thinking. I really haven't writen anything poetic in months. I'm not even sure if I have it anymore. This saddens me, but I know I can't force words into my mind when they simply are not there. So until I can get back to you all with a new poem, that will be one of the better ones I've written, you guys will have to deal with my "Verbal Escapades." as I like to call them. It may not have the flow and symmetry of a poem, but now I can really convey my thoughts to you all in a whole new light. I'm just as glad about being able to do that though. See most people will come here to get off some steam, try something new, or post their work for praise. Not to say that's all of you, or even close to any sort of majority of you lovely people. Let me tell you why I come here. 


I come here for escape, just like many of you. Just like most of you this website, maybe a few others ocassionally, this website is the only place to put your thoughts down. I mean your REAL thoughts. The ones you're too terrified to put on paper in case a friend, spouse, coworker or anyone were to walk by and see. This is a friendly and loving community of perfect neighbors that I've never met. I feel as if, when I pour my heart out onto this keybaord I feel such a weight being lifted, because not only can I transfermy negative energy away from my own body, but I don't really have to pass it onto anyone either. We're all all associated by a third party, this website. This site where it doesn't mock what you type, it doesn't judge you, and it surely will never put you down. The most beautiful part about that though, is neither will the people on the end of the screen. It's nice to share a common goal with someone, especially with something as beautiful and connected to the soul as poetry, or just writing in general. 


I really do enjoy getting to open up here. I do appologize that a lot of my earlier work is pretty depressing, and most of them are about my ex fiance, but welcome to my one of a kind mind. I'm only one of many of those on here. We all post different things, but in the end it's all for the same cause.

I also apoloogize that these are so long, a friend was kind enough to let me stay in their home and unfortunately I'm still alone for most of the days. I have a lot of time to think. So instead of backpedaling like I used to, I'm going to take my thoughts and just write them for you all to see, and try to convey a positive message that everyone can take with them. 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I will say the same thing, just let me know you were here. I don't bite, I just want to accept you as part of my big happy, unbiological family.

Ma Famille pour la Vie.

Je t'aime toi, avec tout mon coeur.

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