Good Vibes.

Good vibes.

Positive things.
These are things your ear must ring.
If you plan to live life right
and get goals done
just listen to these bars
just sit there and hum.

Hum drum
Hung up to dry.
No need to fret
just let out a cry.
Give me your hand,
exhale a mellow sigh.
Ready your wings.
Now, give life a try.
Open your door
accepting your course of flight.
Life is rollercoaster
and you must be,
"this tall to ride."


I'm Six foot Two.
My heads falling all the way down
and I'm coming unglued.
I have unhindered inhibition.
I listen to those
who write flows
and have the courage to let their minds go

with the wind and, swim
with fish that swim upstream
With brains that work as a team
and gain power and knowledge
while they travel roads to the fogs edge.
They don't hesitate.
There's no room for debates.
Put your foot to the ground
do you hear that sound?
It's opportunity knocking.
Do you have what it takes to accept

or is life your match that you've met?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

comment leave your thoughts and criticisms

Revised 5/12/13

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