
A new friend came to me.
They said, "Why open up when people will just leave?"
"Leave?", I said

and continued.

"Well then let them be!"
For you see those who can't appreciate,
Obviously someone needs to operate.
Where do you stand on moral issues?
such as someone needing a shoulder to cry on,
or maybe just a couple of tissues.
I've lived a hard life.

Yet it was nowhere near impossible.
So for that I'm thankful.
An absent father brought me only more inspiration.
It made me family oriented.

I became a better man.
To grow up and have some kids

is the one and only plan.
You have to remember that we may be only human,
but in all of us is a demon looming within. 
Look in the corner of your eye.

I know you can see him.
Now on to Mistakes.

Shit, I've made too many to count.

This last one though
really knocked me the fuck out.
This is the first time in a long while

that I've sat back and actually learned a lesson.
I feel now that it may be too late.

The openings are sealing shut. 

No more time for debates.

I'll take what I'm given,

I'll accept my fate.

Let me tell you now what I've learned about life.
You have to take the bad with the good,

one does not exist without the other.
Live life the way you knew you always could.

Throw caution to the wind the way you knew you should.

Turn that frown around!
Everything will get better!
Don't you scowl
or go on a bender.
Put those bad vibes in a box
and sign it
"Return to sender."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Revised 5/12/13

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