The Perpetual Steps to Her Form in the Cosmic Gleam

No home to call our own,

On such a splendid night like this.
Man and woman.

It could be hedonistic and better,

Than anything ever known.

I thought I could see the glowing eyes of the statue,
But the potency of the altitude distracted.

Can we hear the changing leaves,
Of trees that die?

From here on out we all know the,
Meaningless body can decay.

Throw the blindfolds away.

Upon the darkness of night,
Train your eyes to see all movement.
And walk into the light which was previously,
Unseen by the blind.

The most vivid patterns and angelic lips.
Lights and strange forms.

If only a projection of the mind's makeup.

Up the steps to the statue.

There! They run, always on the run.
We will catch up, I know we will.

In Earthly form, dying at the snowy streetlight.

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