I Hear You Screaming

Welcome to My Life

Your lungs squeezing tightly, painfully

while begging for it all to end quickly.

Your mind demands for a bullet to destroy it.

Tears fall out as your stomach ties into a knot.


Heartbreak overwhelms your chest

until you can no longer breathe properly.

Deep staple cuts cover your entire left wrist.

Painkillers melt your insides until you can't eat or drink.


Your sister's gun is cold in your small hands,

the same hands that tried to suffocate you.

Wind holds you up as your eyes look down

to the ground that makes you throw up.


No one is there to keep you from hurting.

Everyone is in their own selfish paradise.

The demon inside strives to get out

by eating its way out of you painfully.


I hear you screaming for help constantly.

For 4 long years, all by yourself,

you made it through as the victor.

And that's why you're here now, writing this.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

October 25, 2015

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