Fall From Grace

Fall From Grace


I don’t know how to breathe,

Constricted by the deluge

That was you.

In paled patterns

My heart skips its beat,

As step by step,

You reach the stoop.


Carried loosely in your hand,

Hanging by the frayed thread of a key,


 Like an escapee to my bed,

In fear of fleeing.


And I blink, once, twice,

Blink away tear crested,


In back of them

I see you,

And opening them

I see through.


There once stood a man,

A noble, delightful soul,

Beaming with excitement,

Driven by hidden springs

 Of rigorous devotion.


By the wayside

He slipped,

And fell, cascading

Like rapids down a mountainside,

And in his place stands you.


But who are you?



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