Leave Me Alone!

Won’t you please

just let me be?

Give me some space,

some privacy!

You’re there each morning,

as I awake.

You’re by my side,

every step that I take.

I go to the store….

of course, you are there.

Then again at my work!

You’re everywhere!

You tag along,

when hanging with friends.

Then follow me home….

it never ends!

I turn on the TV

& kick off my shoes…

There you are

on the evening news!

I run to my room

and lock the door,

as I start to undress,

you’re there once more!

So, I try to sleep,

but you’re in my bed…

Damn you, demon,

get out of my head!!

By, A.M.R.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Yeah, I'm a dork, I know:P

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