To Jarred

I miss you

My big brother

You always were

There for me

But now that you're gone

It's just something

I can't get used to you see

I can't imagine

Never seeing you again

Never seeing you

Walking down the street

Or that you'll never

Drive past me again

Blasting music in your car

The feeling of that

Has left an everlasting scar

In my heart

I often reminice

On past memories

And how we always fought

For that i owe you

So many appologies

I love you so much

My big bro

It was so hard

To see you go

But i know

In my heart

You're watching

Over all of us now

And no matter where

You are you're

With us somehow

You're gone and

It's so hard to believe

That you're not here

With us like you

Should be

Just know

That you're

Forever in our hearts

Forever you'll stay

Never to part

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