"So Naturally, So Easily....So Unexpectedly"
There is only one heart here, because I know this love is mine alone. And I'm ok with that. But I do love you tenderly, passionately. ~Mirror_rorriM~

❤️ I Never Meant to Fall in Love With You M....❤️
Or love You as I Do
It just came So Naturally
So Easily.....
That My heart was Yours.
Completely bound to You
Before I ever realized it
I asked God Himself,
"Father, what is HAPPENING?"
And I never got an answer
But You continued to flow So lovingly,
So effortlessly Into my Secret Place...
("The Place Where I am really I ")
That I began to wonder
If "this".....IS His answer
I never thought I would Love,
Or NEED another so much
Resigning myself to a life of solitude
While foolishly believing in my heart,
That No Other Woman
Would ever "see" Me again
Or Ever Have........Me
And You came in....
So Unexpectedly
I tried to dial back My Emotions for You
But the harder I tried, the harder it was
Until My hearts deepest thoughts
Came pouring out, like a dam fixin' to burst
And, like a fool
I couldn't stop the words from coming
I don't know whether to leap for Joy, (Even tho it may hurt my back)
"Shout it from the rooftops, and sing it to the sky",
Or weep like a baby...
For You, and the heartache, and turmoil
You must be quietly enduring
I never want to hurt any living Soul
Especially .....You
Whose been hurt so much already
And in so many different ways.
I wish I could hold you forever
Heal Your pains, (If it were possible)
And just Love You Freely, with No Restraints
And when I stop to think of THIS
I find that I'm afraid......
Afraid of needing You so much
That just seeing You brings the most beautiful pains,
And of loving You, as much as I Do
But I face My fears
Because I've come too far already, I'm too far gone!
And in My Heart (which is Yours, if you'll have it)
I Want, and (yes), Need to see how this story ends
As You lay on the opposite end of Our bed
My soul is longing for You, crying out for You,
Pleading, and Aching
To feel Your skin against Mine, and
Weeping for the distance between Us
Can You hear me, My most beautiful of Angels?
In the Darkness, do You feel that deep loneliness,
A Sad Longing in Your heart?
Does it ache so bad
That You almost have to fight back the tears?
That is Me. It's My Soul daring to show You
The wonderful things I'd kept locked away, for so very long
That You have open'd up in Me, and brought back to Life
But, You're so many miles away
And I feel every single inch
Of the distance that separates
The Lovely, Beautiful, Most Exquisite
You, from Me
And I wish with all that is within Me
That I could bridge that gap
Just to feel Your lips softly on Mine,
Hoping that You want the same
My arm around You, and only You
My hand forever caressing Your Sweet face
Whispering (with no shame, nor fear)
My undying love for You
Listening to you *MOANNNN*
Gazing Forever into those Most Amazing Eyes
And asking you "what are You "doing"
For the next few eternities....."
Because I'm "Doing Time"
I've waited SO long to find You
I had to find You,
I needed (almost desperately)
To find My Hearts Desire....My Split-Apart
And now, You're finally HERE!
Please, tell me if You Truly feel the same.....
Or if I'm just an old fool
My ❤️ is Yours
To quote one of my Favorite "Jewel" songs..
"Do You want me, like I want You?
And Do You need me, like I need You?
Or am I Standing Still ?"
Do You?
Maybe I'm not ready for the answer, so, please don't.
I am Hopeless without you, without your Perfect,
Pure, Unbelievably AMAZING, Love. You scare Me,
Because I've never felt this deeply for ANYone,
And had them feel the same.
So, Yes, I get terrified at times, but not enough to NOT see what God has in mind. I'm pressing forward, and Boldly going forth with some of my Favorite lyrics:
"I will not be a puppet, I cannot play it safe
I'll give myself away with a blind and simple faith"
~ Rik Emmett ~
❤️ ??????????????????????????????????? ❤️
P.S. "You had me @ hello"