Change, Where nothing stays the same, this goes for the world, life and the law. Speaking of the law,
I'm talking about the law from the days of old, which no one could do, so the Lord did away with the old
and brought in th new. The law was perfect, but man could not keep because of pride, resentment and
plan unbelief. For were living in a world with no connections and bad brhavior. So The Father gave them
the law and later, sent them a savior.
Now the law was given to show people how to live, to know right from wrong and how to forgive. Because
people were going in every direction, with no real purpose in life and little affection. So the Lord called Moses
and Moses went, then by Moses the commandments he sent. But the commandments were just part of the
law. Still, man couldn't keep because man was hard headed, superstitious and the Lord man would not seek
You see The Spirit Is Willing But The Flesh Is Weak. Every since Adam man has been born into sin, for that
sin man had to amend. When they eat from the tree of knowledge it oprned there eyes, every since, man
has been thinking he's very wise. While thinking God was telling a lie. When He told Adam,The Day You Eat
Of This Tree, Thou Shall Surely Die.
Then the old covenant was made, the foundation was laid. A priest was appointed with prayer and moans for
the sins of the people the priest had to atone. There was no one righteous, no not one, so for the redemption
of man Our Father sent His Son. When the Lord came, everything He changed, Yes, everything He rearranged.
He gave His life for us all, if He hadn't we would all suffer a great loss, so He took the old and nailed to cross. Then
righteousness He brought, because of the law man constantly fought. A fight man could never win. You see the
law makes you conscience of sin.
Through Lord Jesus a new covenant was made and this covenant would never fade. If yougo by this one, then
life you can ace cause this one is not by the law, it's by God's Grace. Grace such a beautiful word. For Grace is a
word you can savior. Yoe see Grace Don't Come By Your Works, It's GOD'S Undeserved Favor.
By *MilMan*