There once was a man who was afraid, he wouldn't make the grade, in the past he'd been played, so he spends a lot of time in the shade, playing charades.


Then along came a real babe who's name was Jade.  Jade he paid and he did get laid but he also got played. Now mind and body are starting to degrade. He might have come out better drinking raid.


Now life, he tries to evade, he feels like sitting on a grenade as the tears cascade, his life is portrayed a masquerade.


So while alone, he prayed, from out of the blue came aid, what was happening in his life he weighted then arrayed and now he's on a crusade.


Whenever you become afraid because you have strayed and run into a blockade, while the consequences are coming in spades, remember, most of Your problems you made.


But you can always upgrade, like the man who went to himself and prayed. Now his life is arrayed and he's on a wonderful crusade. He's no longer afraid.


So beware of escapades you could very easily get played.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Life, be it good or bad, it's all up to you...

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