
The disappointment you feel in yourself when you hurt your own brother
You should be there to pick him up whenever he falls, have his back against all others
You know he is the only one that’ll be there thru thick and thin. All your life you have your loving kin.
But when your love is challenged by acceptance with friends you regrettably choose to join in jeers at his expense
Ignore him in the halls when you walk by, gossiping behind his back bout he is such a lame guy.
Then when he gets home crying about how his day went, even though you know, you choke out “Bro what happened?”
Then he looks you in the eyes and thru tears in spit he cries “Michaels you know how it went! You were with them when they pushed me down! You laughed in my face as I fell to the ground!”
The lump in my throat when I try to justify my actions as he cuts me off and says “Michael I HATE you!”
And I immediately think of all the times
We sat outside on the porch with the dog, playing tag in the street not thinking bout the cars. About every time we’d say I love you goodnight
About how it’s all out the window because I didn’t realize
That he is everything to me
My peer and my mentor
The one I look up to and the one I help get over
All of life’s problems and all of his fears. And the only thing louder than my sobs and sadness is the sound of my tower of “friends” falling down. I’m turning my life around now. Because brother I love you are all that I can be certain bout

Author's Notes/Comments: 

young when i wrote this.. tell me what you think.

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