Super Man, Sam

Brown hair that fell into his face in all the right places, and the most beautiful hazel eyes you would ever find yourself staring into, hidden behind thin, black-rimmed glasses. That’s what he was to me. That and so much more.

He was the one that saved me from a life of torment and suffering. He was the one who searched the deepest caverns, and the darkest caves, just to find me and make sure I was okay. And with a little bit of work, and absolutely no help from any others, he managed to pull me out. He was the one that blinded me with the light of day. He broke into my shell, and taught me how to breathe all over again.

I could never find a flaw in him, and he seemed to cover all of my flaws with his never-dying light.

The only part about him that I didn’t like, lay within his home. The miles that kept me from hugging him were just that. How I longed to hug him, and thank him in person for being there in my darkest hours, when no one else, no matter how close to me, could manage to find me.

He was my savior, my fairy-tale night that rode in on a white horse to save me from the castle I was locked within.

I wished, with all of my heart and soul, to just be able to feel him. To reach out and touch him, to hug him with all of the strength my freshly mended soul could muster. There were still wounds, but they were wounds no man or creature alive could heal. The wounds left by loved ones past, and loves that left me with a shattered heart.

He seemed to be a simple person, but it was the depth of his being, the non-simplicity of him that kept me alive. If it hadn’t have for him, the existence of the person I call myself would cease to be.

I’m so thankful to have found him, even if I had found him in a time before my darkness. If I hadn’t, he wouldn’t have known enough about me to even have known where to begin. But he did, and he found me, and he mended my wounded being with duct-tape and shoe strings, and though they may not be the strongest holding substances you will ever find, they will hold me together. They will work together to make sure I don’t fall apart again, for the simple fact that they were put up by love and friendship.

He is my angel, the one with the brown hair that falls into his face in all the right places. The one with the most beautiful hazel eyes that you will ever find yourself falling into, hidden behind thin, black-rimmed glasses. He is my Super Man, Sam.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Sam.

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