Welcome to America


Welcome to the World


Our one and only


Full of American's 


We are blessed and we are holy!


Gather round now


It's the Right time now!




Welcome to America!


Where our troops stand in front of us


where our fear gets the best of us


where our land is just a speck of dust


where our minds are irrelivant to us.


On this soil


on this land


God where are you now? 


Just take my hand


these hands of a poor miserable man


who works all day scrubbing pans


who can't afford to live- because of someone


who doesn't give a damn!


Who sits on his ass and makes another grand


who laughs as he puffs and stares at the band


-who plays for this man?


Who's the leader of the clan


who's the reason we've gone mad?


Who's really in wonderland?




Centuries ago on the land of our own


nobody paid


no-one "had it made"


we were all just the same


but living in THIS day-


We can't say what the day is


We don't really know Alexander the Great




We don't really know 


The reason why we're here


Why my friends are called gays and queers


Shit we just try to live 


as we pass along the years


we were the first frontiers


Killed on our own soil


Made to do "work" and live with this turmoil


The fuck is this life?


You really think we were born to die?


Ever think that all you know is really a lie?


That there's more to the life than the size of your pie


See it's people like me-


Who can see it and realize


the corruption in your minds


The blindness in all these eyes


the fraud behind the white light 


that God might not be of this life


You know what you were born for? 


Better do it before you die.


"Yesterday is history" Tomorrow is God's fuckin gift to me and today we will come together and get rid of this blasphemy.




Watch the world crumble and fall.


You think it'll end with an apacolypse


with us all


runnin and screamin


praying and dreaming


hoping and believing


confused and screaming.


How the hell could that happen


it's already been lived in


the past has been lived in 


but people remeber not to forget it


so we won't replay the same skit


that The President's first played us


when the white man became another slave puppet


and the black man who came of it 


kicks back and laughs at all the dumb putz 


who are sheep and find lust-


in the indulgence of our sins


Lord, Where have you really been? 


The time is windin


and the children are dyin 


the animals can't live if they were born to fly in


This corruption of a world


Stop mocking the little girl


Tell that man to pull up his pants and


beg on his knees in front of the world


Here's your superhero, man


Crying in his hands


in front of the souls who may not understand


This is America


yet we were born on this whole planet


God Damnit


have your land back,


get rid of the handbags


You're a fucking human being


where is our dignity at?!


It's all our own free land


stop with the lies you preach to help you sleep at night!


We are in a galaxy floating in the middle of the black


as simple as that


Can you really believe that?


Where have you left your mind, heart and third eye at?


Welcome to America.





Author's Notes/Comments: 
