shocked to believe this.
Auras on explore
as we whelve deep in this-
energetic twist
serene moments of bliss
fireworks that light up this scene
with this plot twist, you and me.
Ride or die? Now we're full screen,
bout to make a book 3, just so they
can continue to read the greatest love story
loyal is Clyde with his Bonnie, another dynamic team
a romantic duo- taking the lead role.
"Here's a lesson to those who wish to read
another moment's a chance;
go on and dance your dance,
go play that song and get lost in hopefull romance."
Carpe diem, mon petit cheri.
Knowing to come home you've held onto their memory
our souls hold each memory, heartbeats set pace for the melody
another shot on the soundtrack of the theme,
ride or die and you feel it inside, silencing my mind with one touch as it screamed-
calling you home.
Ride or Die, Ready Set Go.