He appologized,
on behalf of thy kingdom's men:
"Flutter those eyes, lass
and see of their many a trends-
to find a princess like you!
who to be a young queen but at ease
and trick her- that mind so blue, by his delusion of reality
always a mime as the joker walks the line
of love and lust, glutten and be of discuss (disgust)
spoke from the mouths of the many more
lad's of the valley, knock-knocking on the mens' doors
for the words of the way
how life hath granted us this day!
And for a piece of bread
you'll get some head-s'up
of how a princess like you
deserves more than just
a front for the truth-
you seek within them, and
for a slipper and gown
the princess goes down
to find herself
choking on the truth
she's to be queen
and she still lives with zest youth, and
this kingdom is never ruled by one
but by two;
and there she sits
upon throne as he be a misfit, she-
wondering if her Prince
will withold her glass slipper
or a signed promise on paper.
Kacklin in mind at 'her' (his) weakness
he falls to his knee-deep in scene, him
bowing for benevolance
he puts ring upon a new queen.
Has thy kingdom been mistaken?
An arrangement for all to see
how the men of the mass
lives unworthy for the power hath yet been seen.
At once! Opened within mind, blinding veil removed from her eyes
she's got a kingdom of her own!
And have it as she holds their hearts
she's ruled this land from the very start
to see what all persons have done
making justice upon land
she will accept no-one
person to make of any harm
to the women of youth
whose powers flow through
every breath they take
the blood that flows in their veins
this kingdom will know once more
there is purity and love within each of the many souls
and together we grow as nature unfolds
and a new life upon this land
be of the reason to water what you sow.
So my princess,
as you know your fortune been told
it's time for you
to lead this kingdom
with your luxury of love
speaking o'er age with wisdom
of all that you ever knew
till the very last breath you bid adeiu!"