
I think it's a power

to be absolutely BOLD 

and unshakable.

By no means do I think one is weak without this power,

I believe everyone has the ability

to harness their own greatness,

to amplify and typify their own perception of self worth,

to accept changes and be the savior 

and no longer feel as if they are the damnsel in distress,

the unloved pasttime of a mans weakness,

the Cinderella after the ball who once had and then lost it all

-in just one night-

the whole world cannot change

but in just one night

clarity of the mind can be obtained

to be the fairest of them all

and gain freedom from a late night call on the weekend

to no longer feel resentment of the past

to let go and let it be the last

night fear is allowed within

the mind of one who's behavior changed

when their perspective gained

a feeling of self worth

relishing in thine own greatness

harnessing the ability 

to tap into their own power

of being absolutely BOLD and Unshaken.


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