

"She was wild. 

Everything about her was wild. 

Her hair, 

Her heart, 

Her soul. 

She wasn't like most girls- 

She was different. 

She had a way of turning the mundane to insane 

The ordinary to extraordinary 

Her weakness to strengths 

And finding pleasure through the pain. 

She loved like no other. 

She was the wild flower undiscovered... 

She was a cool breeze on cloudy day, 

The rain drop on a leaf that decided to stay. 

She was the candles wick without its wax and burned anyway. 

She was beauty, 

She was grace, 

She'd see a storm coming and ride the waves like a wild mustang runs on a wide open range 

She was the moon 

Shining in the darkness through each and every phase. 

She is the one you think of 

When home becomes a person instead of a place."

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