The Business Cards

Every time I’m on my room’s desk, doing a homework, reading a book or simply sitting down in my chair, I lift my head upwards to my blackboard, where I stick several important stuff and I focus on two very significant things to me. The business cards of my two grandfathers. My dad’s father personally gave it to me, meanwhile the second card I took it from my other grandfather in his office a couple of days after he past away. Both cards mean a lot to me. Not only because they represent some very good companies or that they make me remember that I had two stupendous grandfathers (although, as I said, one is still alive), I see both cards as a symbol of motivation. I remember my mom saying that his dad started from zero; he didn’t have the opportunity to study and neither to eat sometimes, so he decided to start working in order to support his family, and with the pass of the time and his optimistic attitude and hardworking, he could pursuit his happiness by completing his goals. On the other hand, my other grandfather did have the opportunity to grow in a good family where nothing ever was missing and could have the chance of studying, but the important thing here is that he started making business at the grown    age of 53 with the help of nobody. He accomplished several things when, for a moment, he thought that his age was a pure obstacle. It is never too late to achieve your goals. Both of them grew in different circumstances, and I can prove with their example that what really counts in life is the attitude that you transmit on the things you do. My two grandfathers are my inspiration, and I hope I’ll be the same as them in a future. Always following a straight line, surpassing different adversities and never falling into the “dark side”, as one of them used to say.

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