the sick inside

Coursing through the veins, enveloping the sinew
permeating the bone, perverting the tissue
behind the eyes, deep inside the brain
the sickness grows, the sickness stains


My hands are covered black with the reek of abuse
My chest has scars, a thousand million lines of refuse

I grab the blade, time to localize the pain
I grab the blade, time to further my stain  
Here comes the Hate, the drowning of such a heavy toll
There goes the blood down my chest, my arms, my soul

The first cut is a line of fire chasing the hope of release
the last cut is dull ice, encased in a tomb of sweet peace

Thoughts collide in my brain, did I cut too deep?
Alarms go off in my head, dammit man get out off the floor
But now I feel that warm encroaching feeling of sleep
Alas, swimming in my personal pool, I am never more.

but. . .

From bleak and oppression I wake

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