
In my city where my roots run deep, lethal poison runs beneath our feet.

Into our homes, through the pipes it came.

To course throughout our veins absorbing in multiple organs including the brain.  

City Water that could permanently damage our children, our loved ones, ourselves, & thy neighbors health. 

All because our City Officials wanted to save some wealth.

Decades estimated to repair the damage. Trillions of dollars will be needed to properly fix & to manage. 

For now Bottled Water & Water Filters are our makeshift bandage.

"Just leave.", the words so many others have said. 

If only it were as simple as that there thought in their heads.

Business, Company, Home Owners & many Renters alike, unable to sell their property/relocate so they're standing strong fighting for our lives. 

How could one possibly move when they don't have a single dollar to dish out? 

An entire City with lethal contaminated water that should never have touched any living mouth. 

Left unsellable, undesirable, & unwanted to most.

Us that are 'stuck' have bonded together close. 

We are the voices of many, united together as the heart of one.

We are the soul of this City with no where to run. 

So we will stand & we shall shout.

Our voices will carry through the nation, around the world, all about.

With the help of our country & far away hands, we will prevail. 

It's our only plan. 




#FlintMichigan #FlintWaterCrisis #FlintSoul #FlintStrong #FlintStone #BornAndRaised #UnitedWeStand #HandInHand #WarriorHearts #VoiceBeHeard

Author's Notes/Comments: 

With so much on my mind, I find that writing poetry is one of my best expressions. From my heart to yours.. please help us save our City. 

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