Murdering Katrina


Cruel with no mercy

Katrina the murderer!

It came with deadly intentions

To hurt the innocent

To destroy life

To leave children as orphans

To leave wives without a husband

To leave husband without a wife

To leave families devastated and in tears

How could you Katrina?

Why did you have to show up here?

Put everyone in tears

Leave people with no home

Terror in disguise

Windows breaking

Houses falling

Rain everywhere

The streets are flooded

The wind so fast and harsh

Fear beyond the human soul

The eye of a frighten child

Death flashing with no way of stopping it

It came like a thief in disguise

Why thing like this happens

People are suffering

People are going hungry

What did they ever did?

To deserve this

Pain beyond the imagination

The never ending tears

It came with deadly intentions

To hurt the innocent

To destroy life

It succeeded

But above Katrina we will rise

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