How do you tell a child that they have no parent?
Tell me how
How do you tell a husband that their wife body was found?
Tell me how
How do you tell someone that they are paralyzed?
Their feet will never touch the ground again
How do you carry a child for nine months with no end result?
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How do you hold your child in your arm for one day and the next they are gone?
Tell me how
How do you tell someone that they have aids and that they will die soon?
How do you tell a woman that they have breast cancer?
Come on tell me how
How do you watch your families get murdered by a mob member?
How do you pass time when you know you are going to die?
How do you live with yourself knowing that you are the cause of many deaths?
How do you watch a child dying of leukemia?
But there’s nothing you can do
How do you watch thousand of people get killed?
Tell me how
What is going in around that pretty cruel world of ours?
Can you tell me why things like this happens
Tell me
Tell me
Please tell me why