Pain is Shared


Pain is shared; no one is immune. And no one's pain is greater than anyone else's. Because the only perspective we have is the lens through which each of us views the world.
You never know what someone feels deep down and how that affects how they handle life. And never question why one person could want to end their life when you don't know their internal struggle.
For don't we all face our own personal demons? And they have many names but one thing that connects them: we are all inherently broken. Broken in different areas to different degrees, but all of us broken nonetheless.
And to speak to someone without always considering this universal fact is to deny the truth of humanity's very purpose for existence. The fall of man started this mess and it continues to this day. If we allow our imperfection to cloud our treatment of each other, have we learned nothing of the human condition?
For we all have a God-given range of emotions and should have the freedom to express our feelings without judgment to our fellow man. Life is a beautiful, terrible, fragile, tragic thing. None of us gets out of here alive so shouldn't we all give each other (and ourselves) a little grace?
After all, God gave us all the grace in the world though we devastate him daily. And he loves us unconditionally right where we are. Not some future, shiner version of us. No. Here. Now. Even in our darkest days. Even in the days we turned our back to him because we thought we knew better.
He doesn't hate us for struggling; he understands and dwells with us in our pain. So let us do the same together. Let us stand side-by-side and carry each other's burdens and in so doing, lighten our own load. For that was God's hope for us in community. And he hasn't given up on us. His hand is on a grieving planet, but he can't heal us if we continue to harm each other.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by the film "A Real Pain": "Who isn't wrought?...I know my pain is unexceptional so I don’t feel the need to burden everybody with it!"

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