On the Other Side of Death

Personal (Hope)

Sometimes I feel invisible,
like no one notices
I even exist.


My presence overlooked
as others go about their lives.


And the blame settles on you
with thoughts of how much
you have hurt me.


You want to ruin everything for me
that I think maybe I should just end it.


I get to the point that
I can't live with myself anymore.


The loneliness is overwhelming;
the shame suffocating.


A battle rages:
me against myself,
as I fight my inner demons.


The shadows of my soul
were too dark to nagivate.


But I held on
if for just one night
hoping tomorrow would be different.


In the midst of darkness,
you reached in
and pulled me out.


You rescued me
from my personal hell.


You told me that
this feeling would not
last forever.


Soon the tears would subside,
and joy would be restored.


You gave me confidence
that the dawn held potential.


And here I am,
on the other side of death,
standing in victory.

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