One Day at a Time

Tributes to Lovers

I know God brought you into my life when I needed you. I said I would stop my destructive activities in the new year but days in, I was ready to break my resolutions. Then you came into my life. And at first, I kept my distance because my heart had been through the wringer these last few years. But you proved to be different than any other man I had met. You showed me what it was like for someone to truly love me and treat me well. I'll admit that it's been hard to not go back to what I was used to, casual relationships where my heart was not at risk. And there were times that I tried to push you away but because we had a nonrefundable vacation planned, I wanted to wait to end it. But my heart was running scared, commitment feeling impossible as I worried that I wasn't worthy of love since I could not love myself much less someone else. But over time and weekend after weekend together, my walls slowly crumbled. And here we are, a day until the vacation I once was dreading. And now, I am filled with hope for a wonderful trip and more time together beyond that. And maybe this could become something. But I'll take it one day at a time.

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