Pure Heart

Divine Revelation

I tried to break your heart
to prevent you from breaking mine.


I burst into tears
and blamed you for hurting me
when you never did anything wrong.


You stared at me, knowing in that moment,
I felt like I was falling apart,
and you didn't finish the job.


You had every reason to crush me-
I had pushed you to the breaking point-
but you spoke with compassion instead.


You showed me grace when I didn't deserve it;
you forgave me even when I wanted to hate you.


You displayed the character of Jesus
though you didn't know Him
as well as I claimed to.


You were scorned by many,
rejected by even more,
much like my Savior.


And still your heart was pure;
your goodness outshined your pain.


I found Jesus in your mercy;
I discovered the true meaning
of Christianity.


We are not worthy of Him,
but He loves us despite our shortcomings.


He does not look at our words and actions;
He looks at our hearts.


And while our hearts may be clouded
and stained by the world,
He sees us through His Father's reflection.


We were made perfect as He is perfect;
we have fallen but He knew us before the fall.


He calls us to return to His glory
where our hearts could be refined in His fire
and made me pure like yours.

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