A Merciless Tick

"What do you mean you are traveling?" He said it with a calm voice but could not succeed in hiding the latent, tense tone. "I mean," she started with a steady voice "I am traveling to England in two weeks. I have been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I do not intend to waste it." She waited for a reaction from him but he just fixed his look on her. She continued passionately "Everybody envies me. It is like a double promotion. Four years there and my career is boosted." He turned around to face her while saying, "Honey, I know how important your career is for you. And I have always supported you. But what will happen to us when you travel knowing that it is out of the question that I accompany you?" The answer reached him through her silent and motionless look. He lost his temper and grabbed her by both elbows yelling, "You cannot do this to us". He could see that he frightened her as she put her fists before her face. He blinked and looked at her fingers with painful amazement. "You took off your ring! I see you have already made the decision." "I just think we are not meant to be. I am sorry!" she said it with a steady voice. He looked at her deep in the eyes looking for the warmth and love they once shared but he was faced with a cold, indifferent face. "How…" he murmured close to her face, "you heartless, cold b…. I hate you!" He said it and pushed her with all his might on the large sofa behind her. The slam of the door was as strong as his love and hate for her. She kept staring at the closed door for a minute, a long endless minute. Then she stood up and headed for the drawers set at the corner of the room. She grabbed a medium size file from the first drawer and opened it. Meaningless figures were printed. Nothing made sense except for that line towards the end of the page. That line that she read hundreds of times since she received the file two days ago. She did not notice the tear that fell on that merciless tick on the indifferent "Positive" square next to "Leukemia Detection."



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