A dazzling face like a blue sky I always want to stare
A meek smile like a sweet scent linger in the air
Eyes sparkling with or without any tear
Skin's shining even in dark dim or in a bright day so clear...
Heart's pounding filled with positive and unconstructive thoughts
Optimistic thinking that I can but with certainty I cannot
Unless you're a perfect gift coming from the 3rd heaven above
All I can do is wait and hope that it's the perfect time to be in love...
I see in my mind's eye you're a loving and caring woman
Ready to listen even in bad frame of mind you'll understand
A prudent kind mentioned in a proverb's page
A wonderful aide to have in this perilous time and age...
Writing, hoping in a way that it might reach into your heart
With sounds of melody trying to solve this love puzzle's parts
In time you know I'm dreaming that you would smile
Just like the first time I saw your lovely and pretty style.