Insanity is beautiful in theory
Nothing goes right or wrong
But insanity in practise
is a road seeming five seconds
is more forever long
I wish you had my heart for a while
you have it don't get me wrong,
But I wish you could feel it's beatings
The drum of insanity's timeless song
My heart does not beat for the
Explanations man's sciences give
It does not beat to pump my blood,
allowing me to live
It doesn't simply pump blood
It doesn't beat as other hearts do
it BEATS and it gets beaten hard
and it solely beats for you.
You don't see it.
If you did, you wouldn't care
I don't care for it much, either
as long as you are there
to keep beating my sore heart
I'm addicted to the pain
Of the insanity that plays its part
you and your mind-play games.