It's hard to be the good one.

It's hard to keep a friendship strong. Of course it's not easy but it shouldn't be difficult either. You should be able to trust a friend or friends to be right by your side through the good and bad times. I have been the good friend. I put my friends before myself, and yet I am the one in the hole crying. The friends I have I thought where good, turned out to be bad. Yes they made their mistakes and I have made mine, but it's hard when there's are constant and mine are timely spaced. Trusting someone is hard after there mistakes. It's hard when you thought they would never do something so heartbreaking that even they where against it, and told you "I would never do that to you" But yet.. They did.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's more of a venting session than a poem.. It;s basically self explainitory... Just that I have friends who have basically killed me inside and have done things to me that knocked me down. The good friend always gets screwed over.

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