A poem By My Friend Immar

I have seen it go from sunrise to sunset

Ive seen it rain and pour hail

Ive seen the clouds come down from the sky and become fog

Ive heard the children play,laugh,cry and get told to go in because it was too late

I saw stars go up into the sky,the sun go from one place to another all from my window

but I'm fine its interesting to see the leaves fall off a tree for the wind carrying them away

a bird flew past and sat on a branch

the clouds roll by, planes go past overhead

the wind shakes the tree the sound it makes the gentle light its nice yet it is constant taunting

A Poem My friend made as he sat in bed sick staring out his window, he didn't even realize that he made a poem but i noticed it and decided to post it. It sounds so beautiful yet Elegant i just simply found this amazing...i hope you guys do to. Leave a comment and i will forward the comments to him

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