"Cats and Dogs" by Melissa Cavazos & Alejandra Bocanegra

Trillions years ago in a planet far away from earth, there was a planet were only cats and dogs lived, it was full of happy cats and joyful dogs. They played together, eat together, sleep together and worked together, they always helped each other and where the best friends you could ever ask for, they did not know anything about jealousy, fear, sadness, hate or emptiness, they only knew about love, kindness and respect. On a cold and rainy cloudy day, the god of dogs and cats saw that the cats and dogs in the planet needed a gift because they had been the best creation he had ever made, so he sent a creature who had the abilities of loving and caring for this beautiful animals. The first day he was sent, he treated every animal equal, with love and care. As the days went by everything was perfect, as the planet had always been, with no imperfection, but one night the dogs came by and asked the creature if they could sleep with him, because it was very cold and they needed some heat and love, so the creature answered with a soft voice that it was ok. From that moment on, every night the dogs came and slept with the creature. The cats started to get suspicious of where the dogs went at night, so the cats laid awake at night to see where they went, so they started following the dogs, they passed through jungles, forests, lakes, ponds, until they saw the creature sleeping with the dogs, in this moment the cats started feeling something they have never felt before, it was a feeling of hate with a mixture of jealousy and emptiness.
The next morning the cats stopped playing with the dogs, stopped eating with them, stopped playing with them, stopped working with them, stopped helping them and the most important thing, they stopped talking to them, the dogs started wondering what was going on with the cats, they asked what was wrong with them, why they have been acting different with them, but not a single cat answered any of the questions. Both groups started fighting for everything, for food, a place to rest, for a place to sleep, for a place to work and for every single thing it comes to your mind.
The dogs started speaking in other language that the cats could not understand, so there where a mixture of languages and cultures, all the things they had built together had gone down and everything was a mess. The planet that was full of happy cats and joyful dogs was extinct; there was not sign of it.
That is why, now a days dogs and cats do not have their own planet, the god of cats and dogs punished them, and he sent them here so they could start all over again and be the happy and joyful as they were with the help of us, humans.

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