My Grandpa's Turtles

Turtles, turtles, turtles, who would find something interesting in this creepy, green, two shelled animal? Who would want some boring animal that doesn’t move more than 3 kilometers in their entire life? Well I know the answer to both questions and the only person that comes to my mind is my grandpa, I don’t see any reason why he is so interested in turtles but I know he loves them, and loves them very much, he even built a huge place for those slow, long necked animals in his backyard, all covered with a strong black fence so that predators can’t reach them and eat them, “they” as my grandpa called them, because he refers to them as if they were human beings, have a roof to cover, even have huge rocks so they could be comfortable, tons and tons of lettuce and different kinds of fruits so they could have always a great and devastating meal, that is how careful he is with his turtles. Each of these green animals has their own name, they are his best friends, he tells them everything, I don’t know how interesting the talk is, but he could spend long hours talking to them. Every family reunion he asks me and my other cousins to go and count the new eggs and see if everything is ok with all the turtles. When anyone in my family discovers a new egg, he runs and tells every family member that he is going to have a new pet, someone from behind always shouts “is it a dog?” and he gets angry because of all the animals that exist in the entire world he would always prefer turtles. The best thing that could happen to him is when someone of the family asks him something about this silent animals, he would spend all day explaining everything about them, he would explain every detail there is in this shelled animals. Sometimes he called himself turtle man, because when he runs by a turtle anywhere, it doesn’t matter if its in the park or in the middle of the street he would take it and think of a name, but not any name, a name that would show love and respect and put it on his backyard and make him or her a special house, even if they would not live in it, and offer all the other things they need, that’s how much my grandpa loves turtles, that’s how much he loves being the turtle man.

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