
My stomach pressed againts my spine.

I told myself that I'd be fine.

But the next the I knew, I was looking at you.

I whispered your name and it triggered my brain.

My eyes sprung open, no one was here.

For the first time I was feeling more than unclear.

Right then left, but I still stumbled.

I tried to scream, but only mumbled.

I looked into hell through a floor that crumbled. 

I fell to the ground where I only fumbled.

My legs were numb, but I was safe, 

closed in the bathroom for everyone's sake.

Grabbing the counter for support,

I was wishing that I could avert and abort.

My face was yellow, my pupils were small.

My fading mind once again made me fall.

I knew I was dying, I said my goodbye,

I layed on the floor dazed and I cried.

Shaking more violently than ever before,

I was fighting, scratching, and kicking at the door.

I heard my demons calling from inside,

I wanted nothing more than to run and hide.

I didn't know it, but I won that fight,

that night was supposed to be the night that I died.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem I wrote about my hallucinations and experience when I overdosed. 

I made it through that alone, it was the scariest few hours of my life, and that is what lets me know that I can do anything by myself.

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