The Other side of Fence


Is CAT the end of life?

many think so....

i am at the other side of the fence

and hence may have no right to comment.

MBA is the biggest con which is on they say

and i do agree

Can a 2 year course make you competent enough

to manage a business?

Or is it the label itself

which instils competence in you?

Ambitions and the fight for money

fuel the fire

the good old days of Engineers and doctors are gone

Will they return when the bubble will burst?

Riding on the escalator of dreams

Life is never better enough

Thirsty for the blood of success

We define success as being better off than the others

But I donot have the right to comment they say

Because I am a part of the sham which is on

and on the other side of the fence

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Penned especially for my kid brothers, Bhai and Amris on Dec 20, 2005 (12:10 p.m.) while sitting in Office.
Triggerd by a mail sent by Bhai on the source of CAT questions. Had been lately discussing it with D and some other colleagues because of my current assignment involving B Schools

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