The first lightning of a storm I knew was coming
It's night, but I know I won't be sleeping
At least not yet
I press my face to the window
Watiting, watching
Lightning flashes grow more and more frequent
Some are almost bright enough to write by
In a sudden barrage of noise, the rain begins
And I know the best is soon to come
Staring past swirling trees, I gaze into the sky
Straining to see lightning flashes just out of sight
Then a moment of luck
Looking in the right place at the right time
A perfect lightning bolt burns across my vision
An echo of it remaining in the sky for a moment
Even after I blink
I revel in the power of the storm
Almost wishing I could be out in it,
Feeling the rain on my skin and the wind in my hair
The moment, passes, though, as I regain my senses
I continue to watch in awe for several minutes
Then crawl back under the covers
to let the storm sing me to sleep