It's All in the Mind (English version)

School assignments

There is a land

Far, far away

Where magic exists

And everything is possible

Unicorns, gleaming, run in the forest

Faeries dance under the moon

In the shadow of a mage tower

And tireless elves blend with the trees.

Dwarves in the mines

Dragons in the sky

Gryphons preen in their nests

And wizards battle evil

I visit this land at times

Wandering its magical expanse

To converse with these creatires

And lose sight of reality

And the I awaken

From my daydream

See the beauty of imagination

It's all in the mind, you know

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for French class.  The line "it's all in the mind, you know" comes from the Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine."

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