Flash Fiction Story




Manuel and Daniel had known about their towns’ brotherhood ever since they were little kids. When they reached adolescence, they were eager to ask the big guys who were in their high school if they could join in. This brotherhood had belonged for decades in the town, passed from generation to generation. They wore black capes, had midnight meetings, travel around town at night and impress young girls when they told them about the cool brotherhood they were in. Manuel and Daniel’s father had actually been part of it in his adolescence. He wasn’t allowed to say much, it was brotherhood’s law and he respected it, he just waited patiently for his sons finally to become members.


So, Manuel and Daniel asked for the toughest guys in high school, who of course belong to the brotherhood, if they could join in. After briefly talking, the members of the brotherhood decided they should give a shot to the new guys, his father had been member, maybe they did deserve it.


They were asked to meet the brotherhood at the cemetery’s entrance at midnight, so they did. There were about fourteen members of the brotherhood, all ready to give the guys their initiation.


“Well, now that you’re here. It’s time to give you your capes. You deserve them.” told Rick, who seem to have the leadership of the brotherhood, he was one of the only high school seniors of the club. “or so you’ll show us, after you spend the night here at the cemetery.” he told.


Manuel and Daniel felt a chill on their spines, but decided to act tough and suck it up. “You need to know”, told Martin, other of the brotherhood members, “that this cemetery is wildly haunted and the spirits of thousands and thousands who lived in these town roam here.”


The cemetery was the only one at town, as Martin told, thousand had been buried there, so the pair of brothers certainly believed it would be a night to remember. It sure was.


Manuel and Daniel climbed a tree that rested on the cemetery’s wall. Their capes really tight in order for them not to be lost. They screamed goodbye to the brotherhood members, who were now on the other side of the wall, outside the cemetery, in no danger. “I’m sorry guys, we all have been through this, have fun.” told Rick, while he laughed remembering his initiation.


The brothers, who were dead scared, decided they should take the situation with humor and started roaming the cemetery, just for fun. After two hours, the guys were exhausted. They just wanted to rest on their beds, but they needed to keep their promise, so they stayed. Daniel woke up from a bad dream and saw his brother asleep on top a grave, he looked so relax, he sure didn’t want to wake him up. The boredom on Daniel led to thinking, which led to him listening weird things. He listened leaves being stepped in, crunching, while a wild breeze started to make a howling sound. Thunders started rumbling and Manuel woke up scared and let out a scream. “Thanks god! This is getting on my nerves. I’ve been hearing stuff. I swear”, said Daniel, shaking. Steps began to approach towards the boys, they couldn’t see much due to all the graves and mausoleums, they imagined the worst. The steps kept approaching and approaching until the boys couldn’t deny what they were hearing. “On the count of three, we’ll run towards the old tree we climbed on and get the hell out of here.”, said Daniel “1…2…3” he screamed. Just when he was about to run, Manuel’s cape was held from behind, he could not move. That was the end, the spirits were mad and had come for his soul, he thought… and his heart suddenly stopped from fear… literally.


Daniel didn’t even realize it, he ran so fast he didn’t realized his brother was missing. When he was about to reach the tree, he heard a wild man’s scream coming from where he has just left. “Oh my god!” screamed an old man’s voice. That wasn’t certainly his brother and that was certainly a human scream. He followed the old man’s cry and saw his brother, dead on the floor, with his cape stuck on a tree branch. “What just happened?” told the cemetery’s old caretaker while he let a cry.




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