Fragments of a heart in broken pieces on the floor.
Fragments of the past, things that don't happen no more.
Blood on the surface, a haze rises over the plain.
I want to know if you can still love me
after looking in these eyes of pain.
Swimming in a pool, with all the hungry sharks.
Feeling all alone, standing outside in the dark.
Rarely feeling understood, rarely even feeling sane.
I just have to know if you can still love me
after looking in these eyes of pain.
Looking out at the skyline I realize that your love is like
everything there is in the whole wide world.
And I don't know if anyone could ever live up to the memory
that I have of that girl.
Some things in life are wonderful.
But some can never be explained.
Up against the wall with your heart out on the line.
If you give me your love, then I will give you mine.
What could we lose? What is there to gain?
I want to know if you can still love me
after looking in these eyes of pain.