My Aunt's wooden memory box

My Aunt has this wooden box, it is not too big, yet is not small, but still it is really heavy. Just by seeing it you can tell it is an old box, it had worn of stickers and other sorts of decoration, all under a big layer of dust. This box has been with us through many summers and many winters, even more than I have lived.  In this box she kept something far more valuable than just objects, these were memories. She would save every moment that happened in your life. It didn’t matter if it was something simple as a first day of school picture, or your High school grades, or even old happy birthday letters. My aunt was someone who liked to remember, she find the past reassuring and comforting in reliving through old times. She could find value in this stuff, even when everyone was trying to figure out how would this matter in a couple of years. She started doing this a long time ago, before my mother was even born in this world. No one knew exactly what was inside that wooden box; everyone just had the general idea that it was something really valuable for her. As a little kid I was a bit curious about this particular box, of course I had to ask or see, but she just answered that we will know in time. It was only after she passed away that we finally opened this old wooden box. It was filled with a bunch of letters, old toys, pictures, and other stuff, I can’t quite recall everything. Although we were sad with her passing, this box helped us remember the good old times that we all shared with her. 

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