6/04-I remember



3:36 am

I remember that day.

So clearly in my head as if I were looking at a picture.

You sit across from me.

Your hands folded on the table.

My just longing to touch you.

Your hands sitting there looking so inviting.

Just being near you was enough then.

Enough to satisfy the hurt.

Your words were enough before that.

Then came the doubt.

And the only thing to satisfy the hurt was the nearness of your body.

And now there is nothing.

Nothing that could satisfy the ache and the hurt within me.

Nothing that can fill up the hole that you are leaving behind.

It is as if someone is stabbing me.

My heart is cramping against the ache.

It�s as if I can feel you being ripped from my body.

I just want to scream in the pain.

I want to die from the agony.

But I can�t, it won�t do any good.

I just have to keep going on with my life.

I have to ignore your presence in my soul.

I have to ignore your influence on my life.

I have to move on.

Because you have made it clear I have no place in your life.

So go on enjoy life.

Enjoy your life with her.

I�ll go on as best I can.

But some part of me will always love you.

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