A libra in Extreme

bent on broken words,

I press palm to palm,

center my gravity,

i'm a libra,

check my balance,

paragraph in one hand,

2 paragraphs in the other,

I compress,

now we're working with a story,

check my balance

I'm a libra.

mind swells with past pains,

I resist the thought of cheek stains,

i bleed pure,

glow with the mirror in my eyes,

"not bad" I think,

all this from nothing,

2 arms,

2 feet,


I'm something more,

I'm a libra check me out,

balance is my goal

caterpillars enter my head,

and leave as butterflies,

I sit under silver colored clouds,

rain tickels and cools the fire within me,

at times dangeling on a tight rope,

at times doing flips in the sky,

balance is my goal,

I'm a libra check me out,

caught in extremes,

they say i should be in between,

who cares what they say?

I want to be anything but between.

I'm a Libra,

Fuck Balance.

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