"Love on Hold"

love on Hold...

I have thought of You many times,

long destinations, beaytiful lies,

beatuful dreams, sweet love feelings,

the meaning of pretending, i couldnt understand

i have been yours, and i have loved u

i never told u how i adored you

we were friends, but i was your lover

and you were nothing but my breaker!

you broke me now, put me on hold,

i gave you my heart on a plate of gold!

and u rejected the heart of mine,

the love i held u through that time!!

what to do, i do not know,

the moon above me dont seem to glow,

a darkened room, a darkened night,

away of life, in a land so empty out of sight

so alone, empty and sad

you have left me, in an empty land!

you called me Sis, while i was your lover,

and now i miss our times together,

my eyes just tear, my heart as well,

as the love inside me i'll oneday KILL

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